Phone Numbers Single Sugar Ladies in Kitale Kenya Looking for Marriage or a Relationship

Hello, site administrator. I’m Camilla, a 43-year-old woman looking to date a man between 20 and 36 years. I want a serious man who is keen on stability. I am done dealing with jokers. I don’t want drama from baby mamas or wives, I want a man of my own. I’m an independent […]

“I wish i get a young man I teach him some bed tricks Just for fun”- Jasmine Kamani ,42yrs old mama in Nakuru Section 58

“Hello admin,am Jasmine Kamani ,42yrs old mama in Nakuru Section 58 where ii got my own home .I have been working and staying inNakuru .I wish u get me a serious guys for relationship aroundNakuru area just for fun n relationship.I wish i get a young man I teach him […]